Hopefully you have put your details here so we can get back to you with email A.S.A.P. We are HERE for you if you want to be married right away without a lot of panic & fuss, Family and friends can also be involved. Perhaps you have certain readings or verses that you would like them to present for you. Many couples arrange for music to be played at the ceremony: this could be taped, maybe be a string trio of musicians or even a harpist or piper. Whatever it takes to complete your special day, can be easily incorporated. At the completion of the ceremony you will be required to sign the Marriage Register and Marriage Certificates, together with two witnesses over the age of eighteen and the Marriage Celebrant. You will be presented with your Marriage Certificate and a complimentary copy of your marriage ceremony. It’s not enough to just hope something will happen, just believe a dream will come to pass, just think positive and that situation will turn around. We have to take ...