
( I want You To Take It!)

THERE IS AN EBENEZER SERIES THIS IS PART (8)CLICK HERE! Now If you are a Christian and want to be blessed with some Cash then I suggest you do this first O.K. We have learned that this is a secret from the Old Testament that still works in the New Testament Church! The New Testament Church Started on the day of Pentecost , and even Jesus Himself was Baptized in the Old Testament Matthew 28:18 was the way everyone was Baptized because the New Testament had not started yet! O.K. So now we see in Acts 19: verses 1-7 that people was Baptized a second time to receive the Holy Ghost or (Holy Spirit) So it is best to do something the right way, the Scriptual way to be Baptized is in Jesus Name Acts 2: 38 "HOW TO BE CHRISTIAN WITHOUT BEING RELIGIOUS" (THIS IS A FREE-DOWNLOAD ) Click here below for RevBrian's Prophecy spoken by Evangelist/Prophet Angela Reid from New York USA O.K. loved one's listen up I know this is hard to believe but in this new pr...

(PART4)How To Receive Holy Spiritual Gifts. By Reverend Dr. Brian & Erli...

AND CLICK HERE FOR MORE VIDEO MAKE A SAFE DONATION To Evangelism Ministry >TO SEND US A LOVE GIFT USE THESE DETAILS BELOW: National Australia Bank BSB. 082551 account no.173312838 SWIFT CODE NATAAU3302S THIS SWIFT CODE IS USED OUTSIDE AUSTRALIA This is an easy way for people to give into my ministry thank you! Scriptural references for this prophetic word are: 📖Mark 4:28 “This soul produces a crop by itself- first the blade, then the head, and then the RIPE GRAIN on the head. 📖Isaiah 66:9 “Do I bring a baby to the birth opening and then not deliver it? Asks the Lord. Or do a baby to the point of delivery and HOLD IT BACK? 📖Isaiah 45:1 “Thus says the Lord to Cyrus his anointed, whom I have taken by the RIGHT HAND, to subdue nation before him, and to loose the lions of kings, to OPEN DOORS BEFORE him so that GATES will NOT BE SHUT.” 📖2 Chronicles 29:3 “In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he OPENED the DOORS of the house of the Lo...


Image (Click here) for"NOTICE OF INTENDED MARRIAGE DOWNLOADED RIGHT HERE" THEN CALL ME ON 0407274658 (OR) 96252990 FOR A APPOINTMENT WITH REVEREND BRIAN RICHARDS NOW! NOTICE OF INTENDED MARRIAGE DOWNLOAD FORM CLICK HERE NOW ! IF YOU WANT TO SEND A TAXABLE DE-DUCTABLE DONATION TO OUR CHARITY! by being on my mailing list at The quality of our nation’s marital relationships will be a determining factor in the destiny of Australia. The strength of families depends on the qualities of the relationships between mothers and fathers. Therefore marriage should be encouraged, strengthened, valued and supported by society and individuals in every possible way as a social good. The question was asked “When is it lawful for a man to put away his wife” He (Jesus) answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, Therefore a man shall le...

Just in case YOU missed the 2019 Blessing-Here it is again! My Free Download For YOU!

">You can contact me Here: [NOTICE OF INTENDED MARRIAGE CLICK HERE NOW! ] by being on my mailing list at there is a free download for you! my latest book called "How To Be A Christian Without Being Religious" To make a Donations to this ministry (Click here for free download) GET A FREE DOWNLOAD NOW! BELOW Download my free e-booK >”HOW TO BE CHRISTIAN WITHOUT BEING RELIGIOUS“ There is a Torrent of Blessings by reading this book and I don’t mean the weather this is a Torrent of Holy Ghost Power. >TO SEND US A LOVE GIFT USE THESE DETAILS BELOW: National Australia Bank BSB. 082551 account no.173312838 SWIFT CODE NATAAU3302S THIS SWIFT CODE IS USED OUTSIDE AUSTRALIA This is an easy way for people to give into my ministry thank you!

50% of the Adult Population has this problem,through lack of Communication.

The quality of our nation’s marital relationships will be a determining factor in the destiny of Australia. The strength of families depends on the qualities of the relationships between mothers and fathers. Therefore marriage should be encouraged, strengthened, valued and supported by society and individuals in every possible way as a social good. The question was asked “When is it lawful for a man to put away his wife” He (Jesus) answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? Matthew 19: 4-6 …. NOTICE OF INTENDED MARRIAGE DOWNLOAD FORM CLICK HERE NOW ! The things we need to know! and the freedom of talking can do? 50% of our population has this problem? not just men, it is a problem when shared will bring freedom already.Sometimes without pills and medication the problem...

Thank You For Your Prayers For me and my Missionary Family Team

THIS IS A SPECIAL THAT WILL BE TAKEN AWAY SOON! GRAB YOUR'S NOW! discription About the Author RevBrian& Erlinet & Joshua make up the Home-Base-Ministry of Word of Faith Charity, Registered in Australia Ministering to the Prayer Mailing List spread through-out the South-East-China-Seas. We are self supported through our own contributions and the friends and partners of our mailing list. When the Spirit of Lord provides for to visit our mailing list we are available to go any place the provisions come from. Last Christmas we were able to provide 400 sleeping mats and 400 bibles to the prisoners of Philippines. Thank you to all those whom purchased from us books and DVD's so we were able to raise funds for the plain tickets to go to the Philippines. We see ourselves going to many places around the world, like Malawi, Africa and Kenya, India, and USA. Please help us by giving a love gift through our website donations tab http: // We are giving our books ...

New Links For To-day! Be Quick This Will Change Soon!

YOU NEED TRAFFIC CLICK HERE NOW! Join our Facebook Group Right Here Now! for Weddings and Speaker of Special Events If you have a link you would like to share then send it to me at Get to know our other websites that carry links for our friends: And Also as a Marriage Celebrant anywhere within Australia and Commonwealth countries, The church of our Lord Jesus Christ is a living organism, where Jesus, the true vine is the head and we, the believers, the body of Christ, are the branches. The New Testament Church is held together by joints (personal relationship to Christ & fellow believers) and by bonds (peace & love Eph. 4:13; Col 3:14). The central purpose of the church is fellowship, however this fellowship started in the house Acts 2:46-47 I believe I have seen more of the anointing of God in house meeti...