"The Religious Road Blocks To Salvation " By Reverend Dr. Brian Richard...

( Our Primary Purpose is to be available to you for Weddings, ( As a Master of Ceremonies) for Baptismal,Life Ceremonies, Baby Naming, Dedications, Renewal of Vowels, and Comitment Ceremonies,Your Family and friends can also be involved. Perhaps you have certain readings or verses that you would like them to present for you. Many couples arrange for music to be played at the ceremony: this could be taped, maybe be a string trio of musicians or even a harpist or piper. Whatever it takes to complete your special day, can be easily incorporated.
At the completion of the ceremony you will be required to sign the Marriage Register and Marriage Certificates, together with two witnesses over the age of eighteen and the Marriage Celebrant. You will be presented with your Marriage Certificate and a complimentary copy of your marriage ceremony.
The message for this evening Tuesday 30th November is we talk about the “Religious Road Blocks To True Salvationhttps://youtu.be/3E1yruxrcCM Matthew 28: verse 18 this is commonly called the Great Commission, but actually there is not a great Commission given by Jesus Christ himself NO.
Jesus Christ said to us to go preach the Kingdom of God has come! The Kingdom of God according to Timothy 2: verse 18-19 and again in Romans 14: 17 the kingdom of God is not is not eating or drinking, but is righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost. Now this is more of a great commission than anything else. However this great commission people talk about is only at the liberty of the Bible translators.
o.k. So let us get back to our study on True Salvation. (In NIV Translation) Mark 16 : 15 says “Go into all the World and preach the gospel to all creation. Who so ever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. (17) and these signs will follow them that believe: in my name they will drive out demons, they will speak in new tongues,(18) they will pick up snakes with there hands, and when they drink any deadly poison, it will not harm them at all, they will place hands on the sick people, and they will get well. (I personally relate this also to the covid 19 Vaccination) this vaccine is no more than a snake bite it will not harm you if you use your faith and speak to it?)
So let us look now at the Gospel of the good news of God is that (Romans 10: verses 9 -10) That is you believe in your heart and confession is made with the mouth. That God has raised Jesus from the dead you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes onto righteousness, and with the confession it is made unto Salvation. However this is not enough to say you are saved: the scripture say you shall be saved does not mean you are saved YET: now a person needs to be baptised Mark 16:15 + Acts 2: 38 and in Acts 19: 1-6 And the Holy Ghost was given. Romans 6:4 “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death…..” Baptism is a type of the burial of our sins. Every person who was ever baptized in the Bible and there was about 8,012 of them mentioned were all baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Acts 8:12-16 Acts 2:38-42 Acts 10:48 Acts 4:4-12 Acts 19:3-6 If you check Peter’s teaching, and also Paul’s teaching,
(who were a prophet as well as an apostle),
Now at this point of time we can talk about this and give a testimony if any there are many testimonies we can give of water being warmed up while the baptismal was going on in the river? When the Holy Ghost comes with Power & Fire- there was a woman I baptised in the Tammar River in Tasmania she had 2 ear in aids and she took them off to be baptised and then forgotten about them while being baptised she was healed. Another man at the same time, was delivered from many evil spirits that no other Pastors or Evangelist could never get him delivered. So when I was asked to help him, I just prayed and took him to the river for the waters of baptism: God is faithful to His Word and he was delivered from demonic spiritual powers. This man is a full Gospel Pastor in Hobart to-day. Another man of the same nature was in the Masonic Lodge and needed to be set free from the powers of darkness and was worried they would kill him if he left them. He seen the spirit of death leave him, as he was baptised & filled with the Holy Ghost.( he was the head of the Masonic Lodge in Newcastle.)He is now preaching all over the world the good news of deliverance in Jesus Christ.
This Gospel is working without the religious beliefs of Mans doctrines.



(Part 10) Maturity Of Christianity

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