Obedience To God-Marriage Blessings-House Blessings For 2021

Click Here: For A Blessing Of Marriage: "The importance of Christian marriage as a symbol of God's covenantal faithfulness to his people-and a witness to the future union of Christ and his bride-will only grow in significance as the wider Western culture diminishes both the meaning and actual practice of marriage. Marriage itself will become a witness to the gospel..." [Mark Regnerus, Ph.D., is the author of Forbidden Fruit] Our marriages are not private matters. Our children, gain emotional security and a myriad of benefits from our marriage, our love and union. Our marriages matter to our extended family. They matter to our employers. They matter to society. They are the fabric that holds families together. On average married people live longer and have good relationships with their children; families enjoy better physical health, married men earn more money. CLICK DOWNLOAD HERE NOTICE OF INTENDED MARRIAGE: Marriage Week is a great time to reassess and invest in our own marriages and to encourage others. A time to see that it is more than a piece of paper, a word, or a contract. Marriage is a relational institution, between a man and a woman,that makes them one entity NOTICE OF INTENDED MARRIAGE: CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD.



(Part 10) Maturity Of Christianity

Just in case YOU missed the 2019 Blessing-Here it is again! My Free Download For YOU!

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