(PART 1)YOU HAVE NEED OF PATIENCE..2020 by Reverend Brian Richards

Our marriages are not private matters. ~~ Our children, gain emotional security and a myriad of benefits from our marriage, our love and union. Our marriages matter to our extended family. They matter to our employers. They matter to society. They are the fabric that holds families together. So, do something for your marriage in Marriage Week, come to think of it why wait – do it now! http://revbrian-msociety.com Welcome from my family my Name is Rev Brian Richards, my people call me Rev as I don’t mind, so the last month I decided I would not promote the sales of my books I would just give a free download and let people know how to get a hard copy if they want one. http://trafficbuilder2.com is the website for all the hard copy books to be sent to your door step of any address around the world. We have been recording our video’s each week and put them on youtube and facebook and with the free downloads people can follow the teaching or recording that we do each week. “Are You In Christ” is the book we have been reading on line. So if there be any questions or any prayer requests then you can send to this email address to get my attention put your name and Revbrian together in subject line and this I know is important. We remember and celebrate our marriages this 2nd Sunday of September through to 2nd Sunday of October.



(Part 10) Maturity Of Christianity

Just in case YOU missed the 2019 Blessing-Here it is again! My Free Download For YOU!

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