Some one Asked Me! What Are My Expectations in fellowshipping with the Unknown?

So This is my answer to that question: The church of our Lord Jesus Christ is a living organism, where Jesus, the true vine is the head and we, the believers, the body of Christ, are the branches. The New Testament Church is held together by joints (personal relationship to Christ & fellow believers) and by bonds (peace & love Eph. 4:13; Col 3:14). The central purpose of the church is fellowship, however this fellowship started in the house Acts 2:46-47 I believe I have seen more of the anointing of God in house meetings rather the local Church. However as the house became institutionalised then it became the norm to have a Church building. Like I shared in house bible study last week when it comes to evangelism, we go in the name of Jesus, not in the name of the denomination or the name of the local Church. (1 Cor. 1:9; 1 John 1:3, 4). Some ministries such as shepherds (pastor, bishop, elder) and deacons are “resident” ministries whereas others are “mobile” ministries eg apostles; prophets; evangelists, teachers (Eph. 4:11) .However saying that even the mobile ministries need to have there place to call home. I have always felt at home in a Bible School and I fully agree with the space of two years bible school. Acts 19: 9 & 10 This is the Australian government requirements when applying for a ministry to be Ordained then with this preconization if the applicant has a university degree: this minister will qualify to be called Reverend. Mobile ministries function within the Universal Life Church and are available to all sections of the church in all places. The end purposes of all their ministries are two-fold: 1. Perfecting (equipping) of the saints 2. Building up the body of Christ As a prophet, I speak on behalf of God by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and I stand also in the Counsel of the Lord to deliver the Word of the Lord by His Grace & Anointing. These messages are given at the Lord’s direction and in His timing by the anointing of the Holy Spirit; without fresh revelations, God’s people perish. As an elder of the church, you are a vital link between my ministry and the resident personal of your local church. Our commitment is first and foremost unto the Lord Jesus Christ and in obedience to His Holy Spirit and secondly to the local body of Christ to impart the anointing and Spiritual gifting (Roman 1: 11) revelations and truth words correction and direction will come only when necessary, usually words of edification, exhalation, and comfort as directed by the Holy Spirit. (Word of knowledge, word of Wisdom, and words of prophesies are of the normal for this ministry) *********** Linked to my ministry are my fellow believers & brother in the Lord: Philippe with the teaching anointing, that I believe the Spirit of the Lord has shown me that he is my armourer for a while and will become a great teacher of Gods word. I believe the Spirit of the Lord will build a great ministry team that will shake the nations. This has become evident and has already started the work in the Spirit is like the building the city walls, that have fallen down over the years of neglect. Download my free e-book. >”HOW TO BE CHRISTIAN WITHOUT BEING RELIGIOUS“ /There is a Torrent of Blessings by reading this book and I don’t mean the weather this is a Torrent of Holy Ghost Power. You can contact me Here:
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(Part 10) Maturity Of Christianity

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