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>CLICK-FREE DOWNLOAD HERE WILL YOU BE A HORSE FOR GOD >The Word of God will clean you from drugs and alcohol-Click Here For A Testimony<< This Book comes with a double warning for the diligent student it will change your mind for ever.This Word of God will never leave your mind the same,and penetrate the soul,in such a way it will never leave you or forsake you.These Words will talk to your conscience for the rest of your days on planet earth.You will know for sure that you are just a pilgrim passing through.God is not reminding you of where you have been.The Spirit of the living God is always prompting you to be whom you really are in Christ and to manifest the Sons of God to be the over-comer that we are called to be!May this Book be a continuous Blessing to you for ever in Jesus Name:Amen (RevBrian)”Word of Faith Ministries International” Order Now Blow The Last Trumpet In The Remnant Church “Blow The Last Trumpet In The Remnant Church” IS BASICALLY TALKING ABOUT THE COMING MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SON’S OF GOD, AND THE PROCESS WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH TO GET THERE? THIS WILL HAPPEN IN OUR LIFE TIME AND IN THIS GENERATION.SOME PARTS OF THE WORLD HAVE CLAIMS OF SEEING THE MANIFESTATIONS NOW.SO ITS UP TO YOU TO RECEIVE THE PROCESS.THIS IS THE AUTHOR’S FAVORITE AND BY FAR SOME OF HIS BEST WORK.WELL WORTHY OF A READ AND MEDITATE UNTIL IT BECOMES A PART OF YOU. THERE IS A WARNING WITH THIS MATERIAL “YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN” Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ THIS IS PART 3 AND IS TEACHING MATERIAL FOR THE VERY MATURE CHRISTIAN ONLY.WE TALK ABOUT THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SON’S OF GOD.MOST SURELY FOR THE OVERCOMER AND THE FULL MANIFESTATION OF THE CHURCH IN THE GLORY OF THE LORD.CHRISTIANS ARE GOING NO WHERE WITHOUT THIS REVELATION FROM THE PROPHETIC ANOINTINGS Order Now Whom is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? Progressive-Part (1&2) This book is not for the faint hearted,it is for the Christian that wants to be mature.It is Keys to successfully living the Disciplined life of an overcomer.To be able to teach and preach like a world evangelist,and go with confidence that the anointing is with you through the application and instructions in this book.Full of Scriptures of Faith and works from the original K.J.V.Scriptures of Holy Bible Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? This book is a vehicle for the road less travelled and a tool for the Pastor to teach from. With all the Scriptures listed throughout the whole book.The best teaching tool any Bible Scholar could ever want or need.2.Timothy.2:15 study to show yourself approved of God a workman the needs not to be ashamed.This book will bring maturity to a Christian that wants to grow more in the Prophetic mantel. This is the road less travelled just like the picture on the cover, so is the life of a true Christian. Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ This book is (the first )with a autobiography, and a testimony of healing of the Reverend Brian Richards and prophetic teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. To bring a closer relationship through being a disciplined disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. 5 short teaching material books with my autobiography and I think this material speaks for itself in the introduction. This is the same book with different Cover and different aspects of cover stories in Autobiography of others as well the author. This is truly a bargain price for such a condensed course of studies of bible notes from a breakout of revivals of the world over the last 25 years. All Word of Faith teachings from around the world and used by Reverend Brian Richards in Australia, Philippines, and China. This has proven to be the most advanced student’s teachings of this end-time movement in revivals breakings out around the world to day. Publisher: Reverend Brian Dr.Richards.a.i.p.c.[M.A.C.A.] Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ This Book is for the Christian that wants to go all the way with God, and become a disciplined disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. To be mature strong and to be the overcommer Jesus Speaks about in revelations. With this book one can become a strong preacher and a student approved of God Order Now Walking in Darkness This book starts with a chance for you to be part of a “Christian Entrepreneurship Group” is far from being normal for some! it is extremely unconventional for some readers, while for some more mature persons this will be refreshingly honest and to the point.A great Pastors,teachers,book,and will leave you with meditations lasting for years to come and guessing if and when the world is coming to an end? There are no predictions of doom and gloom, but plenty of reasons to rejoice if we are not walking in darkness! Is this a normal process for every Christian to go though a period of darkness? well read and find out and be delightfully refreshed in the power of the inspired word of God. This is part of a series of 20 books that is yet to be printed, and still in the making.This book purchase is raising funds for evangelism in Philippines,and help to meet the needs of victims of loss of house & lively-hood through earthquakes and bad storms they have endured.(we can all help this way) Walking In darkness & Hath No Light By Reverend Dr.Brian Richards.a.i.p.c.[M.A.C.A.] Paperback, 118 pages, ISBN: 9781291693898 Prints in 3-5 business days Order Now JESUS LIVES IN YOUR HOMETOWN JESUS LIVES IN YOUR HOMETOWN it is a statement that knowing the answer to this is knowing Jesus this is why the rest of the reading of the previous chapters of the book was absolutely necessary for the preparation of what is about to be written here! This WORD OF FAITH MINISTRIES teaching will change your life for ever.With your mind being renewed you will start to think like Jesus with a very positive attitude and (now with new authentic photo’s of the Cannan Land giants bones showing with permission)you will know that you are starting to think like Jesus lives in you.Also as it is in heaven,give us this day our daily bread! This bread of heaven will feed you soul for ever.You will fall in love with Jesus all over again, or return the book for your money back?You will know that Jesus lives in your town because He is living in you! Order Now How To Be A Horse For God(2nd Edition) This book will give you a chance to belong to an elite “Christian Entrepreneurship Group” and comes with a double warning.(proverbs 21:31) a horse prepared for battle.This book will change your life for ever you will start to think like Jesus,and feel like you will never be alone again. As the bible comes alive,with clearity of doctrines.You start to live a life of victory,in faithfulness,vision,and fruitfulness and hope of the soon coming of the Lord Jesus Christ appearing in the saints.Revbrian a former Pastor of Christian Outreach Center (Hobart)presently registered as “WORD OF FAITH MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL” (AUSTRALIA)has been used by God to pioneer over 100 churches throughout the whole of South East China sea & Asia Minor there also free follow videos available with every purchased book & follow up with “Christian Entreprenuership Group” Preview Price: $23.81 (discount for site 23.37 AUD Australian dollars) Click Here Now to order (Will You Be A Horse For God)">Click Here Now to order (Will You Be A Horse For God)> Order Now Ba’al-Per-Razim = THE LORD OF THE BREAKTHROUGH Ba’al-Per-Razim= means “THE LORD OF THE BREAKTHROUGH’ (or) The breaking Forth Of Waters, but you will be amazed as to where that water comes from! This is the best book of its kind inspiration is expected and is not for the faint hearted says it as it really is without being offensive: This book is for the most mature Christian it talk about the plans of wars with the Philistines winning through the obedience to God. Even when we don’t understand we have to be showing the honour to other men through obedience to God.Powerful instructions of obedience,humility preceedes the blessings of God, and yet its so simple to understand.How important is Praise and Worship is the key here,It is hoped by the author that many positive inspiring comments will come from this book and it blends in with all the other collection of 20 books displayed in the Revbrian-Bookstore to be seen on Order Now We Live In Prophecy Every Day (Iron sharpens iron) For the last few years,missionaries have found it necessary in selling various types of books to enable them to raise the money needed to minister the word of God to those who are yet to be reached. These books are mostly in the form of e-books, autobiographies and hard copies. They teach about religious history and quite a number of other things which have taken place around the world in the past 25 years. These books also carry teachings about evangelizing the word of God in some minor countries within the Asian continent They have been written by a Reverend who is a knowledgeable writer and laden with information for those who really wish to learn more about God’s goodness. “We Live In Prophecy Every Day” is the title of this book talks about how Ïron Sharpens Iron” are you the iron that God needs to forge into shape before he can use you.From the same author as the book “Will You Be A Horse For God” with the same theme and with the Prophets giving more details of (how to Be excited everyday!) Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ-Part 4 This book is a vehicle for the road less travelled and a tool for the Pastor to teach from. With all the Scriptures listed throughout the whole book.The best teaching tool any Bible Scholar could ever want or need.2.Timothy.2:15 study to show yourself approved of God a workman the needs not to be ashamed.This book will bring maturity to a Christian that wants to grow more in the Prophetic mantel. This is the road less travelled just like the picture on the cover, so is the life of a true Christian. Order Now How To Be Christian Without Being Religious! The manuscript of this book is already gone to India & Kenya and Uganda,and Australia to be published in other languages so I hope you enjoy this book no matter what language and not matter what Location we are a Missionary Family situated in Australia 2017. This series of Books & videos are made as a fund raiser for our growing media congregation all funds go to those that are in need of restoration from floods and earthquakes, in the South-East-China-Seas. We also are praying for all our growing mailing list, where God is meeting the needs of those people through the prayers we pray in agreement with Gods Word. The Anointing through God’s Word is tangible and transferable and received by people whom have faith to receive. (Romans 1:11) We impart the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit,lay hands on the sick and they do recover by the inpartation of the anointing,There is a tab on the website where donations can be given Maranartha Order Now admin About US Magnify Christ; reflect His presence, His Glory and Anointing through boldness and power in the Holy Ghost. Imparting Spiritual Gifts, teaching equipping and making Disciples in the Kingdom of God so that the Body of Christ fulfill our full potential and purpose in Him. Isaiah 60.1 & Rom 1.11 We desire to see you that we may impart unto you Spiritual Gifts to the end you be established into Ministry. Recent Posts RevBrian’s BookStore & Weddings for booking click Here Tags clickbank divineconnexionsofchrist RevBrian's BookStore reverand brian richard Weddings Send us a message
>CLICK-FREE DOWNLOAD HERE WILL YOU BE A HORSE FOR GOD >The Word of God will clean you from drugs and alcohol-Click Here For A Testimony<< This Book comes with a double warning for the diligent student it will change your mind for ever.This Word of God will never leave your mind the same,and penetrate the soul,in such a way it will never leave you or forsake you.These Words will talk to your conscience for the rest of your days on planet earth.You will know for sure that you are just a pilgrim passing through.God is not reminding you of where you have been.The Spirit of the living God is always prompting you to be whom you really are in Christ and to manifest the Sons of God to be the over-comer that we are called to be!May this Book be a continuous Blessing to you for ever in Jesus Name:Amen (RevBrian)”Word of Faith Ministries International” Order Now Blow The Last Trumpet In The Remnant Church “Blow The Last Trumpet In The Remnant Church” IS BASICALLY TALKING ABOUT THE COMING MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SON’S OF GOD, AND THE PROCESS WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH TO GET THERE? THIS WILL HAPPEN IN OUR LIFE TIME AND IN THIS GENERATION.SOME PARTS OF THE WORLD HAVE CLAIMS OF SEEING THE MANIFESTATIONS NOW.SO ITS UP TO YOU TO RECEIVE THE PROCESS.THIS IS THE AUTHOR’S FAVORITE AND BY FAR SOME OF HIS BEST WORK.WELL WORTHY OF A READ AND MEDITATE UNTIL IT BECOMES A PART OF YOU. THERE IS A WARNING WITH THIS MATERIAL “YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN” Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ THIS IS PART 3 AND IS TEACHING MATERIAL FOR THE VERY MATURE CHRISTIAN ONLY.WE TALK ABOUT THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SON’S OF GOD.MOST SURELY FOR THE OVERCOMER AND THE FULL MANIFESTATION OF THE CHURCH IN THE GLORY OF THE LORD.CHRISTIANS ARE GOING NO WHERE WITHOUT THIS REVELATION FROM THE PROPHETIC ANOINTINGS Order Now Whom is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? Progressive-Part (1&2) This book is not for the faint hearted,it is for the Christian that wants to be mature.It is Keys to successfully living the Disciplined life of an overcomer.To be able to teach and preach like a world evangelist,and go with confidence that the anointing is with you through the application and instructions in this book.Full of Scriptures of Faith and works from the original K.J.V.Scriptures of Holy Bible Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? This book is a vehicle for the road less travelled and a tool for the Pastor to teach from. With all the Scriptures listed throughout the whole book.The best teaching tool any Bible Scholar could ever want or need.2.Timothy.2:15 study to show yourself approved of God a workman the needs not to be ashamed.This book will bring maturity to a Christian that wants to grow more in the Prophetic mantel. This is the road less travelled just like the picture on the cover, so is the life of a true Christian. Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ This book is (the first )with a autobiography, and a testimony of healing of the Reverend Brian Richards and prophetic teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. To bring a closer relationship through being a disciplined disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. 5 short teaching material books with my autobiography and I think this material speaks for itself in the introduction. This is the same book with different Cover and different aspects of cover stories in Autobiography of others as well the author. This is truly a bargain price for such a condensed course of studies of bible notes from a breakout of revivals of the world over the last 25 years. All Word of Faith teachings from around the world and used by Reverend Brian Richards in Australia, Philippines, and China. This has proven to be the most advanced student’s teachings of this end-time movement in revivals breakings out around the world to day. Publisher: Reverend Brian Dr.Richards.a.i.p.c.[M.A.C.A.] Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ This Book is for the Christian that wants to go all the way with God, and become a disciplined disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. To be mature strong and to be the overcommer Jesus Speaks about in revelations. With this book one can become a strong preacher and a student approved of God Order Now Walking in Darkness This book starts with a chance for you to be part of a “Christian Entrepreneurship Group” is far from being normal for some! it is extremely unconventional for some readers, while for some more mature persons this will be refreshingly honest and to the point.A great Pastors,teachers,book,and will leave you with meditations lasting for years to come and guessing if and when the world is coming to an end? There are no predictions of doom and gloom, but plenty of reasons to rejoice if we are not walking in darkness! Is this a normal process for every Christian to go though a period of darkness? well read and find out and be delightfully refreshed in the power of the inspired word of God. This is part of a series of 20 books that is yet to be printed, and still in the making.This book purchase is raising funds for evangelism in Philippines,and help to meet the needs of victims of loss of house & lively-hood through earthquakes and bad storms they have endured.(we can all help this way) Walking In darkness & Hath No Light By Reverend Dr.Brian Richards.a.i.p.c.[M.A.C.A.] Paperback, 118 pages, ISBN: 9781291693898 Prints in 3-5 business days Order Now JESUS LIVES IN YOUR HOMETOWN JESUS LIVES IN YOUR HOMETOWN it is a statement that knowing the answer to this is knowing Jesus this is why the rest of the reading of the previous chapters of the book was absolutely necessary for the preparation of what is about to be written here! This WORD OF FAITH MINISTRIES teaching will change your life for ever.With your mind being renewed you will start to think like Jesus with a very positive attitude and (now with new authentic photo’s of the Cannan Land giants bones showing with permission)you will know that you are starting to think like Jesus lives in you.Also as it is in heaven,give us this day our daily bread! This bread of heaven will feed you soul for ever.You will fall in love with Jesus all over again, or return the book for your money back?You will know that Jesus lives in your town because He is living in you! Order Now How To Be A Horse For God(2nd Edition) This book will give you a chance to belong to an elite “Christian Entrepreneurship Group” and comes with a double warning.(proverbs 21:31) a horse prepared for battle.This book will change your life for ever you will start to think like Jesus,and feel like you will never be alone again. As the bible comes alive,with clearity of doctrines.You start to live a life of victory,in faithfulness,vision,and fruitfulness and hope of the soon coming of the Lord Jesus Christ appearing in the saints.Revbrian a former Pastor of Christian Outreach Center (Hobart)presently registered as “WORD OF FAITH MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL” (AUSTRALIA)has been used by God to pioneer over 100 churches throughout the whole of South East China sea & Asia Minor there also free follow videos available with every purchased book & follow up with “Christian Entreprenuership Group” Preview Price: $23.81 (discount for site 23.37 AUD Australian dollars) Click Here Now to order (Will You Be A Horse For God)">Click Here Now to order (Will You Be A Horse For God)> Order Now Ba’al-Per-Razim = THE LORD OF THE BREAKTHROUGH Ba’al-Per-Razim= means “THE LORD OF THE BREAKTHROUGH’ (or) The breaking Forth Of Waters, but you will be amazed as to where that water comes from! This is the best book of its kind inspiration is expected and is not for the faint hearted says it as it really is without being offensive: This book is for the most mature Christian it talk about the plans of wars with the Philistines winning through the obedience to God. Even when we don’t understand we have to be showing the honour to other men through obedience to God.Powerful instructions of obedience,humility preceedes the blessings of God, and yet its so simple to understand.How important is Praise and Worship is the key here,It is hoped by the author that many positive inspiring comments will come from this book and it blends in with all the other collection of 20 books displayed in the Revbrian-Bookstore to be seen on Order Now We Live In Prophecy Every Day (Iron sharpens iron) For the last few years,missionaries have found it necessary in selling various types of books to enable them to raise the money needed to minister the word of God to those who are yet to be reached. These books are mostly in the form of e-books, autobiographies and hard copies. They teach about religious history and quite a number of other things which have taken place around the world in the past 25 years. These books also carry teachings about evangelizing the word of God in some minor countries within the Asian continent They have been written by a Reverend who is a knowledgeable writer and laden with information for those who really wish to learn more about God’s goodness. “We Live In Prophecy Every Day” is the title of this book talks about how Ïron Sharpens Iron” are you the iron that God needs to forge into shape before he can use you.From the same author as the book “Will You Be A Horse For God” with the same theme and with the Prophets giving more details of (how to Be excited everyday!) Order Now Who is a Disciplined Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ-Part 4 This book is a vehicle for the road less travelled and a tool for the Pastor to teach from. With all the Scriptures listed throughout the whole book.The best teaching tool any Bible Scholar could ever want or need.2.Timothy.2:15 study to show yourself approved of God a workman the needs not to be ashamed.This book will bring maturity to a Christian that wants to grow more in the Prophetic mantel. This is the road less travelled just like the picture on the cover, so is the life of a true Christian. Order Now How To Be Christian Without Being Religious! The manuscript of this book is already gone to India & Kenya and Uganda,and Australia to be published in other languages so I hope you enjoy this book no matter what language and not matter what Location we are a Missionary Family situated in Australia 2017. This series of Books & videos are made as a fund raiser for our growing media congregation all funds go to those that are in need of restoration from floods and earthquakes, in the South-East-China-Seas. We also are praying for all our growing mailing list, where God is meeting the needs of those people through the prayers we pray in agreement with Gods Word. The Anointing through God’s Word is tangible and transferable and received by people whom have faith to receive. (Romans 1:11) We impart the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit,lay hands on the sick and they do recover by the inpartation of the anointing,There is a tab on the website where donations can be given Maranartha Order Now admin About US Magnify Christ; reflect His presence, His Glory and Anointing through boldness and power in the Holy Ghost. Imparting Spiritual Gifts, teaching equipping and making Disciples in the Kingdom of God so that the Body of Christ fulfill our full potential and purpose in Him. Isaiah 60.1 & Rom 1.11 We desire to see you that we may impart unto you Spiritual Gifts to the end you be established into Ministry. Recent Posts RevBrian’s BookStore & Weddings for booking click Here Tags clickbank divineconnexionsofchrist RevBrian's BookStore reverand brian richard Weddings Send us a message
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