Faith in Repentance (Part 3)

I am in no position to give you anything to anyone without the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ! However with the Divine Grace of God we was able to give sleeping mats to 400 prisoners to those that was sleeping on the concrete floors , sometimes up to 4 years sleeping on the concrete floors waiting for the magistrate to either release them or charge them with a sentence, because they are still awaiting for a trial!!! Now this is punishment enough for most of us, so I thought these people need to see the goodness of God,.So we was moved with compassion for these prisoners to give 400 sleeping mats plus 400 bibles was more then we could afford to pay!! I am answerable to God and the Lord supply all needs Phil 4 :19 if the Lord is you guide then He will provide, yes? Whom the Lord leads then He will feed ? YES with faith you will move the mountain of need? yes, is not by might nor by power but my Spirit say's the Lord. So if you are in Faith then I pray for you that the same God of Abraham, Isac, and Jacob, Mosses,Joshua,and so on, will supply for you too.? If you are in FAITH then we preach the same gospel and this will work for you, no matter what part of the world you live in? YES. WE ARE ABLE TO DO THIS THROUGH DONATIONS AND COVENANT PARTNERS THROUGH FAITH ..PLEASE BE ONE OF OUR PARTNERS IN THIS WORK AND GIVE A DONATION TOWARDS THE PHILIPPINES OUTREACH WE HAVE TO GO TO MANY MORE PLACES SEE BELOW FOR DONATION DETAILS. OR VISIT THIS LINK AND SEE THE DONATIONS TAB, TAX EXEMPT TO REGISTERED CHARITY


(Part 10) Maturity Of Christianity

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